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Welcome to the LDEI private member section. Here you will find member contact information, event and webinar registration, donation information and our online store. Your username is the email address that we have on file for you in the LDEI database. If you are using the system for the first time, or don't remember your password, click the Reset Password link. The system will automatically send you a new password (that you can change to something more personal once you login completely). Make sure to check your junk/spam folder for automated responses as they sometimes can end up there. If you are having difficulty with the system, just send us a message at info@ldei.org.
NEW! Here is information on items you can find in the Members Only Section:
Tips on Logging In:
Member Center:
Navigation is on both the top of the page, and on the left side.
My Account - Change your personal info. You can’t change your organization, though. Email info@ldei.org to change that.
My Biography - This is where you can add a 50 word short bio for yourself.
My Organization - Again, need to email info@ldei.org if you want to change this section.
Member Directory - Listing of all current members.
Search by Name or Chapter
Events - Upcoming LDEI events and registration for events, such as conference or Patron Program
My Event History and My Payment History - In case you ever want to know what you have registered and/or paid for.
Documents - Logos, Chapter President Resources, notes from past conferences and Chapter Leadership Forums, Webinar presentations, Brock Circle forms, and a printable version of the LDEI Membership Directory
You can search, but easier to look at it in hierarchy form. Click on the tree branch icon to expand the view.
My Communications - All of the enews from LDEI are archived here.
Job Board and Message Board - We don’t really use these functions at the moment.
Board Members - Likewise, who is currently on the LDEI board of directors.
Board Only - Only for current board members.
Photo Galleries and Donate - Also not really used right now. Events
Upcoming Events
Online Store - Order LDEI logo items (such as hats, pins and patches) for yourself and your chapter.
.Brock Circle - What it is and why you should join!
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